United States of America
I was deeply appalled to find such horrifying cruelty towards the dogs in the video provided to me. The dogs are seen being dragged by a noose around their necks into an area where they are subsequently beaten and then have their throats slit while they are still fully conscious. A man is observed stomping on the neck of a dog, and then slitting the dog’s throat with a knife. No stunning procedure nor anesthesia is utilized prior to this violent and painful throat slitting. The man is then seen picking up the dog by one of his hind legs while the blood drains from the dog’s carotid arteries and jugular veins. While the dog is suspended in mid-air by one of his hind legs, the dog is desperately flailing about, clearly experiencing severe pain and distress. After having their throats slit, the dogs’ bodies are tossed carelessly to another area where they continue to struggle and gasp for air until their last breath.
This is a horribly cruel and painful death to subject these animals to and is a flagrant, egregious violation of the most basic animal welfare standards.
The dog meat trade claims the lives of 10 million dogs each year, inflicting great suffering on these animals who are meant to be companions, not slaughtered for meat and fur. This is absolutely inexcusable. We owe it to them to treat them with dignity and respect in a civilized society.