Dogs profiled demonstrated marked, generalised skin pathology including alopecia (hair loss), hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin), and hyperpigmentation (excess deposits of pigment within skin tissue). Such skin changes are characteristic of chronic skin disease, most commonly related to readily-treatable disease such as external parasites (for example, scabies mite, demodex mite, and fleas) and associated bacterial and yeast infections. Skin can become a source of chronic pain, chronic pruritis (itchiness), and can lead to reduced immune function.
One dog was shown to struggle against the pole and vocalise, it’s experience of stress and threat being later heightened when a torch was shone into its face.
Two dogs were shown to be sitting in a cage within a couple of feet adjacent to one of the employees as he was dehiring other recently slaughtered dogs. The dogs were exposed to significant stressors including the unfamiliar sound of the blade being used in the dehiring process, the sight, and smell of blood of slaughtered conspecifics. Both dogs appeared completely unreactive with downcast gazes. One of the dogs briefly glanced towards the direction of the aforementioned employee and then returned to a downcast gaze. Their lack of locomotive or vocal responses and their despondent gazes are consistent with learned helplessness.