Dogs raised for the meat markets are often taken from the street or stolen from families. These animals are kept almost their entire lives confined in wire cages where they suffer terribly both physically and psychologically. Whilst in the cramped cages, they are scared. They suffer from hunger, extreme temperatures, and a lack of food and water.
Their deaths are horrific: various blows to the head leave the animals in a semi-conscious state before being stabbed to death. The dogs are bled out and die after agonizing minutes whilst struggling in a desperate bid to stay alive.
At Animal Equality we have commenced a campaign to end the consumption of dog meat and its production in China. Just like you, millions of people, in China and beyond, believe that cat and dog slaughter for human consumption is absolutely unacceptable. This is why we are urging the Chinese government to prohibit this cruel trade immediately.
Help us stop the massacre!
By signing our petition you are letting the Chinese Government know that you are against the consumption of dog and cat meat, aswell as the use of their fur. It is vital to add your signature to the thousands of people who have already joined this campaign to ensure that this practice becomes history, once and for all.